Students now will be able to retake certain courses

Change means school will continue to follow state policy

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As a result in a change in policy, students now will be allowed to retake certain courses in they earn a specific low grade in that class.

The administration has announced changes to the course retake policy that will take effect during the 2021-2022 school year.

Vice Principal Mr. Mark Matthews noted that the change will include students’ ability to retake courses in order to adhere to the Indiana Department of Education’s Graduation Pathways program. Students will be allowed  to retake certain courses for which they have earned a D+ or lower.

Additionally, Matthews wrote in an email, “To obtain the academic honors diploma, students must earn a C or better in courses that count toward the diploma.” The opportunity to retake classes will benefit students who want to earn this diploma but struggled in some of the required classes. 

Matthews noted that students can retake only those classes that are required components of the Academic Honors Diploma. Their retake grade will appear on their transcript, with the original grade changed to either a listing of audit or no grade.