Deadline to submit service hours is May 1

Pandemic affects but does not change requirements

Drum major senior Gabe Tice and several members of the jazz band played Christmas music in various neighborhoods to help fulfill their service hours this year.

Photo submitted

Drum major senior Gabe Tice and several members of the jazz band played Christmas music in various neighborhoods to help fulfill their service hours this year.

Although much of this school year has been different compared to normal, service hours have remained constant. Despite the changes caused by the pandemic, students are still required to complete their service hours. 

Principal Mrs. Julie Barthel wrote in a email to the student body, “As communicated throughout the school year, in accordance with the Holy Cross administrators, the required hours were changed to the following: freshmen, 15 hours; sophomores, 20 hours; juniors, 25 hours; seniors, 25 hours.”

The deadline for service hours is on May 1. Students can contact Christian Service Administrator Mrs. Shannon Fox ’80 with questions, and are able to check the Community Callout Page for current service opportunities.