Most upperclassmen now eligible for Covid shot

State drops age to 16 for Pfizer vaccine

Most upperclassmen now eligible for Covid shot

With the age for eligibility now at 16, most sophomores and almost all juniors and seniors are now eligible for the Covid vaccine.

The Pfizer vaccine is the only vaccine with FDA approval for those 16 years old and up. It has two doses, which have to be administered within at 21 days of each other. 

Known side effects of the vaccine are headaches, chills, nausea, muscle pain and tiredness, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Also, pain, swelling, and redness on the arm you got the shot are common. The vast majority of these side effects have been minor.

Every CVS, Walgreens, Meijer and Kroger will administer the vaccine, along with many other vaccination sites. However, before going to them, make sure they have the Pfizer vaccine because of the mandated age range.

School nurse Mrs. Marianne Vogt ‘86 said, “If you’ve ever had a life threatening reaction to a vaccine before, then you should talk to your doctor before you get anything. If you’ve had any severe allergic reaction that required an EpiPen, you should talk to your doctor first before getting the vaccine.”

Senior Laney Isenberg said her father signed her up for her first dose, which scheduled for April 21. Isenberg said, “I signed up for the vaccine just to be safe, and I was always going to get it, no matter what.” She said she has no hesitation at all to receive the vaccine.

According to the Indiana Department of Health website, “Anyone age 16 or 17 who registers for a COVID-19 vaccine must choose a site that offers the Pfizer vaccine. A parent or guardian must consent during a 16- or 17-year-old’s registration, and the preference is that the parent or guardian accompany the minor to the vaccination site.”