Trivia Night fundraiser scheduled for April 23

Covid protocols will be in place for those who attend

The school’s eighth annual Trivia Night returns to the Hill on April 23. As with many school traditions, it has been two years since Trivia Night has been an in-person event, and the hope is that many faculty members, parents and alumni will attend the fund-raiser.

Ms. Michelle Taylor ’01, who serves as the school’s senior director of advancement, provided an overview of the upcoming event. She said, “(We have had) an awesome group of current parent volunteers and alumni, and they have a committee that forms the trivia questions, from every individual round to the more important bonus questions. (They have been) our trivia gurus for the last few years, and they come up with really unique questions every year,” Taylor added.

As with practically every event held around the globe in the past year, Covid-19 will have an impact. Taylor said, “Depending on how many attend, we will utilize the Mimms Gym and the cafeteria if we need to.” Separate classrooms can be used for those groups who prefer to take further precautions, and video casting and the use of projectors will all work toward keeping the groups on the same page as if the event were being solely held in the Welch Activity Center, as it sometimes is.

Since the band was not able to fundraise in January as it traditionally does with is Bingo Night, there will be an option on the registration page at to support the band. Band boosters and parents will also be at the event to help out.

Many memories came back to Taylor when she was asked about her favorite times hosting the event. She said, “I love when our attendees get really into the themes or spirit of the game that we host. Obviously working in events, you want to make it fun for the attendees so they come back.”

Taylor recalled that one year a group of educators came in dressed as the Monopoly board. Other years they represented “The Brady Bunch” and Snow White and the seven dwarves. Two years ago parents came dressed as characters from the Titanic and had a Titanic ice sculpture that as a part of their table.

Other mini-games include the 50/50 raffle; an Irish classic, the wine pull; and a silent auction, which will be available even for those who aren’t able to attend. With the night coming up soon, registrants aged 21 and over will start gearing up for the event along with Taylor and her team. More information can be found on the trivia page on the school website.