Four days of online instruction wraps up

Goal was to reduce potential Covid spread, school nurse says

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The H lot between Loretto and Cunningham halls was devoid of students’ cars on the afternoon of March 31.

In an attempt to keep Covid numbers down after spring break travels, four days of online instruction ends on April 1.

After fall break last semester, there was an increase in case numbers, and the administration does not want such an increase to happen a second time. According to school nurse Mrs. Marianne Vogt ‘86, this precautionary measure was the correct course of action. She said, “So far I think it was the right decision. I have not seen any surge of illness. We made this week a virtual week in order to reduce the spread of Covid that might occur due to the high rate of travel over spring break.”

Vogt added that her hope is to have no calls of any illnesses or Covid cases by the time students and teachers return to campus on April 6, and thus far that has been the case. “So far we have had very few calls reporting any illness this week. People still have to report illness even if we are doing virtual,” she said.

Vogt added that she hopes families utilized this week of online instruction appropriately and haven’t just extended their vacation. The nurse said, “I believe that most families have returned home and those that are traveling this week will ask to do a virtual week when they return.”