Underclassmen continue course selection for next year

Several new classes are being offered, counselor says

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Students access and select their courses for next year through a portal on the school’s website.

As the fourth and final quarter of the school year is now underway, freshmen, sophomores and juniors must finalize their schedules for next fall and decide upon their classes.

Aside from the various requirements such as math and English, most students have flexibility to include classes that appeal to their interests as well.

Each year the grouping of classes offered to students is altered and adjusted to accommodate for changing interests within the student body and with new ideas of the administration. According to school counselor Mrs. Gretchen Watko ’00, the new courses include American sign language, AP Physics I and II, applied career information and exploration, ethnic studies, Theater Studies I and II, dual credit finite math, a religion elective, dual credit intro to economics, dual credit intro to political science, AP Seminar and AP Research.

On the flip side, all IB courses and the IB program as a whole have been discontinued and are no longer an option. 

Watko said, “Academic affairs reviews courses being offered and makes decisions on what courses will be discontinued each year. Oftentimes new courses are created due to generated interest among students or teacher proposals.” New courses can additionally replace others currently in place. In this case, Watko said, “Applied career information and exploration is taking place of professional career internship and ethnic studies is taking place of voices of the world.”