Rookie Showcase set for Jan. 26

First-time thespians get there shot.

January 26 marks the performance of the Rookie Showcase, an annual event displaying the talent of those who have either never acted nor had lead roles in a performance here. It provides an opportunity for students to experience something they have never tried before.

“It gives us the opportunity to get people in here who are new to theatre and who just want to see what it’s like,” said Mr. Michael Moffatt, fine arts department chair and theatre technical director.

Budding actors are not the only ones benefitting from the show. “It gives crew the chance to try a different type of crew,” Moffatt said. Costume crew can try lights or sound crew, for example. Experienced actors, while not able to act in the show, can choose to try crew for the first time as well.
Rookie Showcase can also serve as a student’s first introduction to theatre. “Rookie show really started my theatre experience my freshman year,” junior Maggie Bittinger said. Bittinger serves as one of the directors in the show this year.

Participating in the production is a good way to get to know the theatre program, freshman Olivia DeLise said. “It helps people ease into Cathedral theatre,” she said.

“Theatre is one of those things where you really have to try it to get the full experience,” Moffatt said.   
Rookie Showcase creates a calmer representation of what a show such as the musical might be like. “It’s probably the most laid back show,” Bittinger said.
Despite this, “it takes a lot of work,” DeLise said. Actors meet during flex for rehearsals until tech week, when the final touches are put together after school.

“It’s all a matter or being able to plan,” Moffatt said. It also utilizes the benefits of the new schedule, he said.
During the time, students memorize lines and work on blocking, or how they will move during the performance.
Senior Tommaso Roccuzzo said learning his lines is not too difficult since he has a good memory. “I’m going to be a crazy scientist that makes this invention that’s going to change the world. It’s funny,” he said.

The collection of scenes can be light-hearted or deep, DeLise said. “It’s just a story from beginning to end,” she said. The student directors choose the segments.
“It’s really all student work, just with me as technical adviser,” Moffatt said. Crew has five heads who are in charge of the other crew members and who report to Moffatt. Student directors auditioned actors, coordinated with peers and scheduled rehearsals.

Bittinger served as a student director last year and enjoyed the experience so much she decided to do it again this year, which is unusual, she said. Although she gained an interest in directing, participating in Rookie Showcase also introduced Bittinger to many friends, she said. These include classmates not in theatre who chose to participate in Rookie Showcase. If they had not joined, Bittinger said, she likely would never have met them.

“I gain relationships with other people who are interested in the same thing I am, even upper class men who wouldn’t meet me otherwise,” said DeLise.
Putting on the production does require dedication, but “the fun part is everyone getting together for a common goal,” Moffatt said. All the members work to make the show the best it can be, he said.

“It’s an integral part to our theatre program,” Moffatt said.
Furthermore, “it’s really fun,” said DeLise. “It’s going to be a very interesting show.” Bring a student ID card to get in for free and remember that the show is only performing for one night, she said. “Come see Rookie Show.”