Auditions for ‘The Little Mermaid’ scheduled

Spring musical auditions set for Jan. 30 through Feb. 2

Though there are still about three months until Catheatre’s annual spring musical, preparations begin taking place soon. From Jan. 30 through Feb. 2, auditions will take place right after school for this year’s production of Disney’s “A Little Mermaid.” Auditions are open to everyone and students are encouraged to try out. Whether someone is trying out for the first time or a seasoned veteran, this musical will be fun for all.

Director of theatre department Ms. Jennifer Alexander, said, “It’s a fun Disney movie; everybody has a great time and it has a happy ending.”

This production includes numerous roles available for both men and women. If anyone is interested in auditioning, this would be an especially great opportunity to “sing, dance and be in a musical as part of someone’s Cathedral career,” Alexander said.

While the auditions are open to anyone, if a student has the ability to tap dance, he or she is especially encouraged to audition.

Students who do decide to try out will sing 16 bars along with group choreography.