Innovation Center construction continues on schedule

Replacing the interior staircase will be the next major task

Jacob Spiegel

Work continues on schedule on the new Innovation Center.

As anyone within earshot can tell you — and that is everybody at some point on campus on in-person learning days — the construction of the Innovation Center continues. 

One of the latest additions to the building will be the new student staircase.This stairway will lead to the new classrooms in the Innovation Center. The existing stairs will be taken down and both parts of the building will be connected once it is complete. All of the framework and drywall are close to being finished, and the crew has just started tiling the new kitchen for the cafeteria.

The courtyard will also be getting some upgrades. It will essentially look the same, but there will be more seating available in the hopes that it can be used as an outdoor café.

Nothing from the original plans have changed. However, the administration is considering the teaching of other non-STEM related courses in the new spaces so that these classes can be taught more effectively. It is not confirmed, but once scheduling requests are completed, administration can begin to see which classes could take place in the new space. 

Chief Operating Officer Mr. Rolly Landeros, said, “Once the Innovation Center is done, we are in the process of strategic planning for the school after we move in, because one we move in, the spaces that aren’t being used need to be transformed so they have another purpose.”

Until the construction is done, the space won’t be open for use, but virtual tours are available for students. Landeros added, “We’ve been taking faculty and staff on tours. And if you’d like to do tours, you can contact Ms. Gara Schommer for links and tours of the Innovation Center.”

For other updates on the Innovation Center, Spanish teacher Mrs. Karen Hovanec started doing a segment on “CHS Live” to update students on the progress of the construction. Her classroom is right next to the build site, so she gets a good view of what is taking place. She plans on continuing her video segment for the remainder of the construction every week. “CHS Live” airs every Friday morning before class, so be sure to watch the broadcast for the latest updates on the project.

Throughout the entire process, the crew has been efficient at staying on schedule. Construction is expected to be finished next August or September, but that may be subject to change. After April, the crew will determine a more precise date for the building’s completion.