Ash Wednesday Mass on Feb. 17 will be virtual

Change to traditional gathering is due to Covid-19 restrictions

Megaphone file photo

In the past, ashes have been placed directly on the forehead, but that will not be the case this year due to Covid-19.

Previously, Ash Wednesday Mass has taken place in-person, but with the restrictions of Covid-19, the service will be held virtually.

While the prayer service will be online, ashes will be available for students and teachers to receive in person. Religion teacher Mrs. Katie Lewis said, “The ashes will be sprinkled on the head instead of placed on the forehead. Many countries around the world already do this.” 

Although Lewis said that Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation, contrary to popular belief, it is an important day of faith. “Ash Wednesday starts our Lenten journey,” Lewis said. 

Lent is one of the most vital seasons of the Catholic Church. Lewis said, “Lent is a time of preparation and repentance.” After the Lenten season, Easter begins. 

While Lewis said that a “virtual Mass is much harder to coordinate,” the school will still be able to come together in spirit for the celebration of Ash Wednesday on Feb. 17.