School nurse weighs in on double masking

Vogt says two coverings should be considered in some settings

Ava Amos

School nurse Mrs. Marianne Vogt ’86 wears a single cloth mask in her office in Kelly Hall.

When several individuals were spotted double masking at the presidential inauguration on Jan. 20, wearing cloth masks along with surgical ones underneath them, discussion ensured in the media regarding this practice. 

School nurse Mrs. Marianne Vogt ’86 said double masking is definitely more protective than one mask, especially in large group settings or enclosed spaces such as a store. She said, “The (paper) surgical mask is a good filter, and then the cloth one helps filter even more particles and also helps the fit to be more secure.”

Vogt added that at this time there is no need for two masks, however. She said, “(Double masking) generated a lot of publicity and there has been talk of it being required with the new strains of Covid on the horizon, but there are no requirements for it now. (The) school would not require this unless it was mandated by the (Centers for Disease Control) and (Marion County) Health Department,” she said.

Vogt added that she would personally consider wearing two masks in crowded situations, like on an airplane or at the airport, for example, but not all the time. She said, “As long as we are wearing two-ply masks properly, nose and mouth covered completely, we should be protected.”