School counselors are available to provide assistance

In response to recent tragedy, additional services are offered

Cathedran file photo

Director of counseling Mrs. Gretchen Watko ’00 provided suggestions to seniors for finishing the year on a positive note.

During this challenging time after the passing of senior Jonathon Knoll, the counseling department would like all students to know they are available and ready to help.

Director of counseling Ms. Gretchen Watko ‘00 wrote in an email, “We are working on lining up grief resources and supports. There will be offerings for group counseling and counselors will be available on campus. More information about group counseling and counselors’ on-campus availability will be shared. We have one counselor who is quarantined, so we need to be mindful about Covid safety protocols and figure out how to best support our students without jeopardizing the health and safety of our students and school community.”

Counselors also will be contacting students directly. Students and parents also can get in touch with their school counselor, with additional information posted on the counseling website.

Counselors will also assist students with communicating with teachers regarding academic concerns, Watko said, and she noted that normal hours of availability are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Watko said students and parents may check the counseling website for updates as they are posted.