Religion teachers preview Christmas Mass plans

Decisions range from “definitely going” to “stil deciding”

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Religion teacher Mr. Matt Cannaday, far right, says he definitely will attend Christmas Mass this year.

With Christmas on its way, that means it’s finally time to celebrate with our families and let the Christmas festivities and traditions begin—that is if Covid wasn’t around.

During these unpredictable times, many would probably say it’s hard to stay consistent and know what the future might hold. With the coronavirus still sweeping the nation and the the guidelines and rules changing almost daily, it’s hard to say whether Christmas traditions will still continue this year or if they’ll be put to a temporary pause until next year.

Religion teachers Mrs.CeCe Kasberg ‘83, Mr. Matt Cannaday and Mrs. Katie Lewis all expressed different feelings regarding whether their seasonal tradition of going to their respective Christmas Masses will continue this year. 

Kasberg said that she always goes to Christmas Mass, since it’s a holy day of obligation for Catholics, at her parish St. Simon the Apostle Catholic Church. “I attend with my husband and his niece and her husband. If any of my sons are in town, they go with as well,” Kasberg said.

She added that she hasn’t decided if she will attend this year or not, saying, “I will have to wait until it gets closer to see how bad Covid is. Archbishop Thompson has given Catholics in the Indianapolis archdiocese a dispensation, meaning we aren’t obligated to attend right now due to Covid.” 

If Kasberg doesn’t end up going to Mass this year, she said that she will watch on television.

Meanwhile, Cannaday said, “I am absolutely going to Christmas Mass at midnight at Our Lady of Lourdes in Irvington.” Cannaday said that he is typically what he referred to as “the emcee of the Mass” so he performs a liturgical function, and his family will typically show up in the assembly.

His reasoning for attending is because he is a member of the liturgy committee and he assists the priest and deacon in the work of the Mass. Cannaday said, “Especially with Covid guidelines in place, it’s helpful for them to have someone with a liturgical sense to assist in carrying out our beautiful liturgies.”

Lewis said she usually attends with her immediate family, she said, and where she attends Mass varies depending on where she is, “I have attended Christmas Mass at St. Paul’s in Valparaiso and St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Fort Wayne.” However, she said that she has decided to not go to Christmas Mass this year due to the large crowds of people and will will view a live stream of a Mass instead.