School nurse on travel: A better choice is to stay home

Vogt offers her advice regarding upcoming holidays

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The CDC has issued a temporary pause on the use of the Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine.

As Thanksgiving and Christmas approach, Covid-19 cases are on the rise once again. While family gatherings and other traditional celebrations are commonplace for many of us, it is important to exercise proper precautions this holiday season in order to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. 

School nurse Mrs. Marianne Vogt says that while it may be difficult not to celebrate in the ways we are used to, it is possible. “We all need to do our part to protect the most vulnerable people, (the) elderly, newborn babies and people with chronic health conditions,” Vogt said. “The CDC recommends no more than 10 people under one roof. We will have a major surge of Covid-19 after Thanksgiving and Christmas.” 

For students who plan to travel, whether it be inside or outside of Indiana, Vogt said caution is of the utmost importance. She said, “Wear your mask and have hand sanitizer with you to use after you touch anything – especially after using your debit card or pumping gas. Don’t use your hands to open doors – use elbows if possible. If you are traveling to a major city or a hot spot state, quarantine for 14 days when you return.

“We did so great all first quarter and had been able to handle the cases of Covid-19,” Vogt said. “It did not transfer in school at all, but after fall break traveling, Halloween parties and people coming to school and (athletic) practices sick, (the scale was tipped) and we had to go virtual because of the number of students and staff quarantined. Please, please be aware of how you are feeling and realize that basically any symptom could be Covid-19. A better choice is to stay home and see if it gets better. Most people with Covid-19 are not that sick. 

“Hanging out with friends is not the best idea during Covid-19. However, we need our friends and we need to be around other people for (the sake of) our mental health,” Vogt said. “It is a really hard balance to be safe physically from the virus and to also be safe mentally, because the isolation can trigger depression and anxiety.”

Vogt said that as long as this socialization is kept to a constant, small group of people, and each person’s parents are OK with it, then it tis a better option as opposed to hanging out with different people every day. “If someone gets sick, you know the exposure has been limited to that (small) group of people,” she said.