Online instruction allows for rigorous cleaning

Administration limits number of teachers, students on campus

Cathedran file photo

Immediately after a passing period on Oct. 29, an EMS staff member disinfects the door handles on the southwest entrance of Kelly Hall.

While students are at home learning in their pajamas and realizing that maybe, just maybe, spending eight hours at school isn’t all that bad, the Hill is still seeing a small trickle of traffic. 

In an email, facilities, programs and technology coordinator Mrs. Gara Schommer said, “We are hoping to keep our cleaning crew cleaning during the online time periods. A deeper cleaning will happen with stairways, the underside of stair bannisters, locker rooms, bathrooms and classrooms.”

Teachers are able to stop by to their rooms to round up any last minute materials to successfully make the pivot to virtual instruction this week, but Principal Mrs. Julie Barthel said in an email that after this week faculty members will need to request permission. Students may be invited if they need to meet with a teacher or counselor one on one or in small groups, but this is the only condition where they are permitted to be on campus, other than athletes coming to team practices.