One senior shares his eLearning routine

On Nov. 17, entire school shifts to online instruction

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Senior TJ O’Brien shows off his at-home set up for completing his assignments.

While eLearning days have been a thing on campus for a while — being implemented when mandated — it is safe to say nobody was fully prepared for full time online teaching and learning when the coronavirus forced everyone to their own homes back in March.

This time around, students and teachers are finding ways and being more diligent about being better prepared as the first day of full eLearning took place on Nov. 17 and will continue through Jan. 18. 

Senior TJ O’Brien shared a bit of what he is doing better than last spring to help himself succeed.

“I plan on preparing myself better for this online learning by sticking to a routine,” O’Brien wrote in an email, adding, “this will allow me to balance my life with other activities besides school.” Many students can relate to waking up five minutes before the online classes start and feeling behind on getting a good meal and start the day. O’Brien said, “In my routine, I hope to get a good start to the day by eating breakfast before school starts.”

With a 9 a.m. start time, students should have the opportunity to wake up, shower, eat, or do whatever they need to get themselves ready for the school day. 

Most can agree that forming a routine is the best route to getting through what will undoubtedly be a tough quarantine. O’Brien noted that keeping a schedule will help to distract from all the craziness that is going on in the world and will help enable a better finish to the semester.

With all the uncertainty that came with the last time we were inside, it will be more important than ever to mask up, stay diligent and disciplined, and focus on finishing out 2020 strong.