Library continues reading incentive program

Due to Covid, annual 5 by 5/5 event starts early this year

A handout promotes the library's annual reading incentive program.

Photo submitted

A handout promotes the library’s annual reading incentive program.

Every period but one, the library is now used as classroom space due to Covid and construction, but that hasn’t stopped the librarian from offering the annual 5 by 5/5 reading incentive program.

Librarian/media specialist Mrs. Jenny Herron said, “Whoever reads five books by May 5 is invited to a luncheon party in the second week of May. We have a catered lunch and then everybody gets $5.”

Herron said, “Typically you would come into the library and sign a little contract saying you will read five books by May 5. Then we keep the contract in the library and when you finish a book you come in and tell us the title and tell us about the book. We might have a nice little discussion or ask you some questions.”

Herron said there is a slight change due to Covid restrictions. She said “This year, since we are not having (students) physically come in to sign the contract, I’m just saying when you finish a book come see me and I will put you on the spreadsheet and I will add you in.”

Herron said her favorite part about the event is discussing books with the students and learning more about what they like to read. She develops a working list of popular books among young readers to help suggest books to those who ask her what to read.

The 5 by 5/5 event typically starts in January, but she said, “We started earlier this year to accommodate the breakdown in communication because of Covid. We have encouraged people to talk to us about their books via email. So they’ve been emailing me their book titles and their synopses.

Herron said, “What we need to do is put books into kids’ hands and give them some kind of incentive to read. We just wanted to make this a time that you could choose anything you want.”