Math department wraps up annual canned food drive

Ford says annual event has become a school tradition

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Senior Jack Larch drops off his canned food donation before school on Nov. 6. Donations to the annual food drive also were made available to students at the on-campus food pantry.

Nov. 6 marked the last day for the annual canned food drive hosted by the math department. Over the past three days students have had the opportunity to donate canned goods for the less fortunate for distribution to various food pantries.

“The Cathedral canned food drive has grown considerably over the years, and the pantries we serve have come to rely on us to stock their shelves. The current needs of many members of our Indianapolis family are probably the greatest they have ever been, so it is our Holy Cross responsibility to share whatever we can. Hospitality, sharing with others, is an integral part of the Cathedral fabric,” math teacher Mrs. Lisa Ford said.

Ford, along with other math teachers, have been stationed in the Welch Activity Center at Door 1 every morning during the week of Nov. 3 to collect the cans from 7 to 7:40 a.m. The students who donate can have up to 3 percentage points added to their first semester exam depending on how much they donate.

“Last year, we collected just over $4,600 and about 19,400 cans. That fed a lot of families. We provide more than just food for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Our contributions help to supplement many families’ meals for many weeks,” Ford said.

The 10% of the student body that had opted for instruction also could participate and have someone turn in their cans for them.

Ford said, “The canned food drive has been a part of Cathedral tradition for many years.  The math department is so happy to help in continuing and growing the tradition, and we are so proud of all of the students who choose to give what they are able to give.”