On the Hill: Like mother, like daughter

Gilmores note advantages of teaching at, attending same school

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Math teacher Mrs. Dawn Gilmore and freshman Reilly Gilmore spend some time together outside of school. The Gilmores noted the advantages of mom teaching here and her daughter enrolling at Cathedral as well.

Many say to keep work and family separate, but for these two members of the Irish community, working together works for them.

Starting this year, science teacher Mrs. Dawn Gilmore is no longer the only person in her family on the Hill each day. She now comes to school with her daughter, freshman Reilly Gilmore.

As one might suspect, there are some significant benefits to having your mom at school. “It’s more comforting that she’s here in case I need anything or I’m just not feeling great. I can just come to her and tell her that,” Reilly said. Students can attest to the process of having to go to the nurse and attempting to contact their parents if they aren’t feeling well. 

But for Reilly, her mom is never more than a building away.

Reilly also said that she was nervous about starting her first year of high school, but knowing her mother would be here made her less anxious. Having her mom nearby during those first weeks of freshman year definitely made adjusting to a new school easier, she said.

But being a teacher’s child also presents challenges. As the daughter of a faculty member, Reilly said she feels that people have what she called “high expectations” of her and that she must maintain a good reputation.

From a parental point of view, Mrs. Gilmore said that she likes having Reilly at the same school as her. “I think when you’re a parent and your kid is at school, you question different things. And so I don’t ever have to question those things because I know the answer already.” 

It’s important for parents to know that the school they send their child to provides them with a good education and fosters a safe environment. As a member of the faculty for 10 years, Mrs. Gilmore never has to doubt the academic rigor or encouraging community that the school offers students like her daughter.

About her relationship with her daughter, Mrs. Gilmore said, “Overall we have a really good relationship; we do talk a lot and she shares a lot with me.” Teaching at or going to the same school has made this mother and daughter closer than ever, and not just in proximity. “

,” Reilly said.

Even though most people know the two are related, both mother and daughter have established their individual identities here on the Hill. Students recognize Mrs. Gilmore as a chemistry and forensic science teacher. Reilly has her own interests at school. Not only is she a member of the volleyball team, but she also plans on playing lacrosse in the spring.

Although being a teacher’s daughter has positives and negatives, Reilly said she enjoys having her mom nearby during the school day. The same is true for Mrs. Gilmore, that knowing her daughter is safe and learning from dedicated teachers is comforting to her as a mom. 

Both Reilly and Mrs. Gilmore said they look forward to spending the next few years together on the Hill.