It’s Election Day at Cathedral, too

Students will cast their vote during B period

Dallas Wright

Political signs are displayed in yards at Dean Road and Royal Pine Boulevard.

All across the country on Nov. 3, eligible voters are casting their ballots. 

During B period, Cathedral students will do the same in a mock election. An email will be sent to all students at the beginning of the period and they will be able to anonymously cast their vote on a Google document, with results expected to be released by the end of the school day.

Some seniors are over 18 and therefore able to vote. Jack Kleck, a senior and leader of Young Republicans, cast his ballot this year. Instead of voting on Election Day, he participated in early voting in Indianapolis on Oct. 28. Kleck said he waited for an hour and 45 minutes, and there were people wrapped around the building. Despite this, he said in an email, “People shouldn’t be nervous because it’s a pretty simple process.”

Even if you aren’t old enough to vote, you can still make your voice heard. Anya Rearick, a sophomore, is the leader of Young Democrats. Rearick said in an email that though she is not able to vote, she has encouraged those she knows to go to the polls. “Although it might not feel like it, every person over 18 has been granted a voice in our government. It is vital that they use that voice so that government can work for the good of the people,” Rearick said. 

In previous years, many people who are eligible to vote have chosen not to. Rearick wrote in an email, “We as a country have come so far in terms of who is able to participate in government, so everyone who is able should enthusiastically do their part.”

Voters can sometimes be conflicted. Rearick encourages voters to research the candidates and form their opinions based on facts. Kleck said, “Don’t let others tell you that you’re choosing the wrong candidate. If you’re informed and you believe in the platform of that candidate, vote for them. Just make sure to get out there and vote.”

The polls are open in Indiana on Nov. 3 from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.