Here’s why Oct. 20 is an eLearning day

Principal notes high absentee rate the day before a break

Ava Amos

Principal Mrs. Julie Barthel.

Oct. 20 originally was scheduled to be a day for on-campus instruction, but three weeks ago was changed to is an eLearning day in order to provide a full week for students and teachers not to be on campus, given that Oct. 21 is the raffle free day and Oct. 22 and Oct. 23 are fall break.

The day won’t be like Mission Monday classes, but will be a regular Day 7 in the schedule cycle so students will have alpha and period C through G classes. “The academic administrative team made the decision,” Principal Mrs. Julie Barthel wrote in an email.

Students will log on for every class as they usually would for online learning days, and most classes will have an assignment on Schoology to complete and teachers will meet their classes on Zoom.

“On days prior to an extended break we have very high absentee rates. We felt like we would have a higher percentage of students participate in school in an eLearning format,” Barthel said.

The same format will be in effect during Thanksgiving week, with a Mission Monday on Nov. 23, and eLearning day on Nov. 24 and Thanksgiving break on Nov. 25, Nov. 26 and Nov. 27.