Service Hours

Shannon Fox provides insight into locations for students to complete their hours this year

As nursing homes and after school programs are no longer accepting volunteers due to the Covid-19 virus, many students are looking for new places to fulfill their service hours requirements. However, Shannon Fox ‘80, the Christian Service Administrator, says there are still plenty of service opportunities for students. One type of service that is especially in need of volunteers are food banks and pantries. Fox explained that “at the end of September the National Guard leaves those venues” resulting in a shortage of volunteers. Other organizations such as St. Vincent DePaul and Agape Therapeutic Riding are also accepting volunteers. In addition to these, Fox has been allowing students to sign up to do some service projects at Cathedral during their resource and after school. Another change in service hours this year is that students will be allowed to volunteer at more than one organization. This ensures that if a student’s place of service stops accepting volunteers, they can still meet their requirements somewhere else. One aspect of service hours that hasn’t is staying the same is how they are recorded. Last year was Cathedral’s first time using the Mobile Serve app as a way of keeping track of how many hours had been completed and the school will continue to track hours this way. The hour requirements are also the same as last year with seniors and juniors needing 25, sophomores 20, and freshman 15.