Next all-school Mass to be held on Nov. 2

Service will likely take place virtually during Mission Monday

Megaphone file photo

Additional opportunities to attend Mass and reconciliation will be offered during finals week.

After the two school Masses that took place on Sept. 11, assistant campus minister Mrs. Sara Bozzelli-Levine said the next service will most likely take place on Nov. 2.

Bozzelli-Levine said in October there are numerous retreats, but no all-school Masses scheduled. She said, “Because of the way the calendar falls, the next Holy Day is on Nov. 1, which is All Saints’ Day, and Nov. 2 is All Souls’ Day, which is on a Mission Monday.”

Virtual learning on Mission Monday will not halt the celebration of mass. Bozzelli-Levine said, “Mass is most likely going to be recorded so that we can all watch on that Monday.”

During the Sept. 11 Masses, seniors had their service in the Welch Activity Center, while freshmen, sophomores and juniors had theirs outside on the football field. Bozzelli-Levine said she was not 100 percent sure how, or if, the grade levels would be separated during future Masses.

“A lot of it was logistics. We have to rethink if the whole student body can fit on the football field. We’re working ahead and trying to play on these things as we go,” Bozzelli-Levine said. 

As for the functionality of the Mass format during the Sept. 11 services, Bozzelli-Levine said, “It was a first for (Cathedral), but it was beautiful. Everyone had a chance to participate. The music was fantastic and students were able to be six feet apart.”

Bozzelli-Levine said there was an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from students and staff. She said she expects the next Masses to take on a similar structure. 

Bozzelli-Levine said, “I always appreciate how students behave (at Mass) and I hope they get something out of (the service).”

Bozzelli-Levine emphasized the need for school Masses, saying, “When we come together as a community in prayer and when we are all together, there’s a great strength in numbers. It seems extra holy to me.”