Virtual calming room provides resource

Information is posted on student portal of school website

Cathedral High School website

The virtual calming room may be accessed through the student portal of the school website.

The virtual calming room is a new resource for the Cathedral family to aid mental health and provide general focus and relaxation.

Brought to the school website by senior Ethan Marasco, along with the help of mental health counselor Mrs. Sarah Ehlich and counselor Mrs. Gretchen Watko ’00, the room can be found under the student portal on the gocathedral page.

Originally a project of Marasco’s through his independent study graphic design class, it was “created in Google Sites as a resource for students to use to relax, relieve stress and have easy access to mental health resources,” as Marasco.

During National Suicide Awareness Month, it is important to check in on others and oneself. The hope for the calming room is to somewhat take the place of the meditation room, which has been shut down due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Regarding this new resource, Ehlich commented on how teachers, students and parents alike are able to make use of it. “I sent an email last week with the link attached, (and) it is on the Cathedral counseling blog,” Ehlich said in an interview, “and it will also be featured on Cathedral’s social media pages.”

From visual relaxation videos and breathing exercises to helpful apps on one’s phone or iPad, the room is meant to provide students, parents and faculty with the resources and encouragement to maintain good mental health.