School to offer flu shots to students

Nurse stresses importance of staying healthy during Covid-19

Megaphone file photo

School nurse Mrs. Marianne Vogt stands outside her office on the first floor of Kelly Hall.

As the flu season quickly approaches, school nurse Mrs. Marianne Vogt advises all students to receive the flu shot. The school will give the flu shot on campus on Oct. 8 for students who have a signed permission slip.

Vogt believes that though flu shots “are around 50 to 60% effective. If you get (the flu shot) and you still get the flu, it has a huge benefit of you not getting that sick with the flu. You might still get it, but you won’t get a severe case.”

She also stressed the importance of receiving the vaccine, she said, “Even if you hate shots, or you think it’s not a big deal, it’s a super big deal and it’s a tiny little shot and usually there are no side effects. It can save spaces in the hospital for those who get severe Covid-19 or severe flu.”

She mentioned how with the incoming flu season and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, people have coined the term “twindemic” to describe the shared impact of these viruses.

The flu vaccine is even more critical this year. Vogt said, “You can get strep throat and Covid at the same time and you can get the flu and Covid at the same time.”

For those concerned about putting themselves at risk by getting the shot, Vogt said, “We are separating sick people from healthy people. They are using such strict protocol for cleaning between patients. If you didn’t want to go into an office, I would get it at one of the stores (such as CVS or Walgreens) or get it here on (Oct. 8).”