Learning Commons offers free math help

Room 2210 in Loretto Hall provides place for tutoring

Ellie Moores

During E period on Sept. 17, math tutors review material in the Learning Commons.

Having trouble with math? Head to the Learning Commons, located in Room 2210 in Loretto, for help from fellow students.

The Learning Commons is a place where students taking any level of math can come and get tutored by juniors and seniors. The tutors are qualified and equipped to help any student who walks through the door. Before becoming a tutor, the students had to be interviewed by the director of the Learning Commons, Mr. Parker Leisure, as well as undergo training.

“I wanted to be a tutor because I was in those freshmen and sophomores’ places once, and I would have benefitted from having tutors at my fingertips,” said senior Anne Marie King.

Despite being eager to help students, King said that so far only one person has come in to receive tutoring. “We are hoping with a little more advertising that people will start to utilize the Learning Commons more,” King explained.

The Learning Commons is accessible to all students. Not only do you not need an appointment to receive tutoring, but the service is also free.